Bridges Angus Cattle Auctions

Bridges Angus Cattle Auctions are held each spring so come on out and enjoy the fun at the Bridges Angus Farm Cattle Auction.

If you want to purchase the very best Angus cattle in Georgia, you are always welcome to visit Bridges Angus Farm to purchase cattle any weekday.

We do not have personal tours of the farm, but you will be right there on the farm and experience the excitement of a cattle auction. Our address is located below.

Bridges Angus Farm, LLC
415 Paradise Hogan Rd
Lexington, GA. 30648

Butchered Beef Cows From Our Farm To Your Freezer

Most people don’t have time to visit our farm, but you may purchase whole cows right from our Website. Just go to our shopping area to make your purchase at The Georgia Beef Compay.